Thursday, October 30, 2014

Tools Needed to Help You Lose Weight

When you tackle a project, you should have a list of the tools and materials you need to begin. This is what every do it yourself person knows. However, how many people senselessly decide to go on a diet without the proper tools, the proper materials and the proper planning?
Success generally takes planning. You need to plan out or map out each step you are to take on your journey toward your successful outcome. One should apply this plan when dieting and improving their diet. If you do this, you may have greater success. Your first act, should be to gather up pen and paper and decide on what tools would help you to reach your goals. Some examples of these tools are:
A Good Digital Scale
A scale is essential to most dieters. It is a way to track their daily or weekly weight to see if improvements are occurring.
However, some dieters find that scales are not their friends. Some dieters find that scales do more harm than good and would rather gauge their progress by how their clothes fits.
A Journal To Record Your Daily Progress And Daily Food Intake
Many dieters have found that a journal is a great way to vent all the emotion that is bottle up inside them. Instead of eating away the frustrations of the day, they write them down in the journal. Thus, the emotions are still released in a constructive way.
Journals are also used to keep track of daily food intake and fitness goals. This can help dieters gauge just how well they are sticking to their plans. Some have said the daily food intake journal is what actually motivates them to stick to their plans.
A Food Scale
Many have found that using a food scale to measure their food helps them with portion control.
Smaller Plates
Instead of bothering with measuring foods, some dieters find that just eating off smaller plates is the way for them to control their portions without all the fuss.
New Workout Clothes
A new workout suit can sometimes give a person the inspiration to begin working out again. The clothes don't have to be designer. They just have to be comfortable and something the person enjoys.
A Diet Buddy
A diet buddy can be a real inspiration during those tough days when you just want to give up and go back to your old habits. A diet buddy can inspire you. Plus, there is always the key ingredient of wanting to outshine our friends. Admit it. If you were dieting with a buddy, wouldn't it be great, if every week you found out you had lost more weight than he/she? That competition can be a key ingredient in keeping you charged up to continue the weight loss journey.
Yes, there are many tools that can help us during our road toward weight lost. However, be careful. Not every tool is a necessary one. Many tools are a waste of money. Before you buy something, really stop and think about whether it is necessary and whether it will really motivate you.

Tips for Getting the Most Fun from Your Fitness Regime

Getting and remaining in condition does not have to be tiresome and boring! Endeavor to do a few of these diverting fitness actions to make your exercise time more pleasurable.
MUSICAL EXERCISES - Put on your preferred music and do some yoga! No reason for boring, elevator music. Move to your preferred beat. Or put on the earphones or headphones and grab your MP3 or cassette player or hand-held personal computer and cycle to a nearby park. Too cold or wet? Then go to a another enclosed region where you are able to walk. Caution: make sure you're alert while listening to music with earpieces or headphones.
PLAY IN THE SUN - check over the newest bronzing solutions and try fun, perfumed variations with funky, varicolored shades. Grab your MP3 player and favorite tunes. And carry some flavored water, new flavored health bar that you have been anxious to sample and a few frozen berries in your holdall for breaks and have a "sense"-ational time.
FITNESS SESSIONS - Test a new fitness class for fun. Savor a good water aerobic exercise session with lower emphasis on your joints. Grab some colored swimwear and swim to the beat. Or try a Jazzercise workout. No reason for a long-term commitment, just inquire about coming in for a session or two to check over it and enjoy. Meet new acquaintances and get fit all together.
JOURNALING - Spice up your logging routine with an cheap new journal from a discount or dollar store nearby. Make snazzy graphs with colored markers. Add brightly colored stickers for each workout. Glue or tape clipped images of your goals throughout the covers and inside sections. For instance, glue images of that vacation spot you would like to travel to with your new, healthy YOU wearing a brand new bathing costume.
GYMNASIUM / FITNESS CENTER - Dig out those vouchers you have been picking up in envelop mailers and those money saving voucher magazines. Once again, no need to invest long-term. Just go on over and use the free or low-priced trial / invitational period and savour!
So add some fun in with your fitness actions. Arouse your senses with new taste, odors, sights, touches and sounds. Blank out that "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy" stuff. Workouts plus play make Jack a fun, fit boy!

Important part of losing weight

Exercise is an important part of losing weight. You don't have to join a health club, or have a formal exercise plan such as, "I will run 2.5 miles on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. On Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, I'll do strength training."
Unless that's what you WANT to do. Your exercise can begin as simply as parking in the middle of the lane instead of as close to the door as possible when you go to the store, the mall, work, or any other of the places you go on a regular basis. If you work on the 4th floor
Begin your exercise program by taking the elevator to the 3rd floor and walking up that last floor for the first week. Then the next week you can add two floors to your stair climbing routine. After a month, you're climbing four sets of stairs at least twice daily. And by now, you're walking in from the far end of the parking lot, too.
Walking is one of the cheapest, easiest ways to add exercise into your daily routine. It's not the only way. Are you a music lover? Then dance your way through those household chores. Dance, to lively music, while you load the dishwasher, dance in place while you do dishes by hand. Dance while you vacuum and dust. You're burning calories and the tasks go quicker, too.
Want to lift weights, but can't afford to go buy a set of weights? Look at common objects in your home that weigh approximately the same amount as the hand-held weights with which you need to start. There are multiple sites on line and the library has books available about basic weightlifting. Canned goods are excellent hand weights for the 1 to 5 pound range.
If you want to purchase equipment, such as a recumbent bicycle or an elliptical machine, check used sporting goods stores and pawn shops before you head to the retail outlets. Someone else's failed exercise program is your bargain. If you must have a new machine, sales can be found almost every week at different retailers.
Don't forget to treat yourself now and then, too. My favorite food in the entire world, other than lobster, is a big, stuffed baked potato. Every 10 days or so, I'd bake a medium sized potato, put a moderate amount of butter and sour cream on it, and then pile on the low fat cheese, and bacon and chives. I would savor each and every bite. I ate that baby as slow as I could. I enjoyed that potato as I had NEVER enjoyed potatoes when I hadn't watched what I was eating.

Convincing fat people

The diet industry is geared to convincing fat people [I can say that since I was one for most of my adult life] that losing weight is easy. I'll let you in on a secret. . . it IS easy. The key to losing weight is to consume fewer calories than you expend every day. That sounds easy. Right up until you start reading labels and discover the calories per serving for some of your favorite condiments and foods
Losing weight can be easy, though, with a few alterations to your daily routine. It won't cost you a fortune in pre-packaged food or health club fees, either.
I didn't realize how much I was eating until I cut my portions in half. You don't have to cut every portion of every meal all at once. Try cutting the portions of lunch in half the first day, and if you usually have a candy bar on your break at work in the morning and afternoon, try having a handful of almonds or a small apple, instead. Eat those almonds one at a time. Chew each one completely, swallow it, take a sip of water and then eat the next one.
Eat breakfast every day. Even if it means getting up 15 minutes earlier, do it. Have oatmeal, it's good for your heart. I don't mean that prepackaged, instant stuff. Take a look at the sugars and carbs on the box. Unless it's got less than the 3 minute oatmeal that you cook, go for the 3 minute kind. You can always add Brown Sugar Splenda, a little bit of 1% milk and cinnamon to it.
After you've adjusted to a smaller portion at lunch, try having a smaller portion of meat at your evening meal. Your serving of meat should never be bigger than your fist. When you are in a restaurant and the serving is three or four times that size, simply eat the proper portion and take the remainder home for other meals.
Those canned veggies you've been buying, don't switch to the no salt added variety if it costs more. Just rinse them with tap water. Then add about a half can of water to the sauce pan and your favorite spices. If you're going to cook fresh veggies, use extra virgin olive oil, not butter or margarine.
Add as much fresh fruit to your diet as you possibly can; apples, oranges, grapes, kiwi, mango, berries, pineapple, tangerines, whatever you can find at the grocery store. Just no more than one banana or avocado a day, they are higher in calories than the rest of the fruits and veggies.
I substituted Slim-Fast for my evening meal three times a week. If you can't bear the thought of missing supper, drink the Slim-Fast at Lunch.

Losing Weight the Easy Way

I am a living example of how easy it is to lose weight. I had high cholesterol, high blood pressure, back problems and arthritis in my right knee. I am 5'9" tall and was tipping the scales at 310lbs. It was time to get serious about losing some weight!
I had tried different diets in the past...Atkins, South Beach, "Lose up to 15 lbs in 3 Days" screaming headlines from magazine cover diets. My Mother put me on my first diet when I was 12! But I never stuck with a diet long enough for a real lifestyle change. That was the problem.
I know all about drinking eight 8oz. glasses of water every day. I know all about the green leafy vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and lean meats a Healthy Person are supposed to eat. My problem is I don't like water, I think lettuce is a matrix for getting ranch or bleu cheese dressing from the plate to your mouth without using a spoon; and I like to cook my veggies in butter, salt and pepper. Oh, Boy, what am I gonna do?!
Well, I'll tell you what I did, because I made a few simple changes that you can make and then in 9 months you can lose the same 65 pounds and counting that I have lost.
There are some basic facts to examine before beginning any diet and exercise program. During the era [100,000 B.C. - 8,000 B.C.] of Hunter - Gatherer groups, the humans who survived were not only the best hunters, but also the most efficient fat storing machines. Their bodies developed the ability to store fat as a way to cope with the periods when game was sparse and the edible roots, berries and grains were in short supply as well. The skinny ones in the group died. The humans with some meat on their bones survived to pass their genetics on to the next generation.
In the 21st century in America we are blessed with a stable food supply. Access to as much food as you want, combined with a sedentary lifestyle results in weight gain. If left unchecked, this weight gain can lead to obesity, as it did in my case. Obesity is defined as being at least 100 pounds overweight and/or having a BMI of 30 or more.

Exercise for Healing a Herniated Disc

Poll an audience of herniated disc sufferers, and most likely you'll find them able to tell you exactly the time, place, and nature of the injury. After having been a nurse for many years, and thinking myself quite empathetic, a back injury provided me with new insight to the world of pain. While preventing a fainting patient from falling, improper use of my own body mechanics resulted in the heniation of 3 discs in my lower back.
The pain was immediate, mind bending, and long lasting. Compared to this, child birth, kidney stones, and the occasional broken bone, began to look like child's play. Fortunately there is a fairly standardized protocol for treatment which leads to blessed relief.
Discs act as cushions for the spine while providing flexibility. Made up of two components, the annulus a tough outer layer surrounds a jellylike nucleus, and is held in place by a network of ligaments. Heniation occurs when part of the nucleus is pushed through the annulus into the spinal canal. Disc heniation can occur in any part of the spine but more commonly occur in the lower back. Most often disc heniation is caused by:
• Heavy strains which put increased pressure on the spine
• Sudden twisting movements
• Repetitive movements such as sports or continual heavy labor
• Normal aging and the degeneration of both discs and ligaments
Although it is well within the realm of possibility to have a herniated disc and not know it, most of us who have had them know immediately. Symptoms of a herniated disc vary greatly with the location and size of the injured disc.
Most involve pain and numbness in the area of the spine and extremities surrounding the location of the injury, often accompanied by muscle pain and spasm. It is also not uncommon for a disc, once herniated to press on the nerves which are intricately woven throughout the spine. Symptoms of this would include a feeling of pins and needles or weakness in extremities. Occasionally in a lower back heniation loss of bowel or bladder control can occur.
Once the pictures have been taken and the diagnosis made, the majority of herniated discs will heal on their own. The percentage of herniated discs requiring surgery is relatively small. In either case, the importance of exercise cannot be stressed enough. Speaking from experience as one of the few who did require surgery, my recovery and return to work was greatly facilitated through exercise
Only a doctor or a physical therapist can determine the best exercise program for you, based on the extent and location of your injury. For all injuries the ultimate goal is to strengthen the muscles surrounding the injured disc stronger, therefore relieving strain and decreasing pain.
Generally this is achieved in steps, first through simple stretching exercises, gradually adding more, and increasing difficulty levels. Not all exercises are created equal and anything too strenuous should be avoided, even after pain has decreased. Many (myself included) find activities such as swimming, brisk walking, and yoga most beneficial.
After you've herniated a disc you may feel like exercising the most painful part of your body is the last thing you want to do. Trust me, after being on both sides of the fence next to pain medication,movement is the best form of relief. Research programs you think might interest you, talk to your doctor, and keep moving.

Benefits of Exercising in College

There are plenty of excuses for not exercising in college. For example, not having enough time, being too tired, or being too embarrassed to go to the gym. However, the benefits of exercising in college far outweigh any perceived inconveniences. In this article, I describe six benefits of exercising in college.
Exercise Prevents Weight Gain
The first and most obvious benefit of exercising in college is that college students that exercise are less likely to gain weight. Many new college students are worried about gaining the "freshman fifteen" due to college food and stress eating. Regular cardiovascular exercise can prevent a college student from gaining weight.
Exercise Boosts Your Immune System
Studies have shown that people that exercise regularly get sick less often. In college, it's important to stay healthy so that you can attend lecture and be sharp mentally. However, colleges are an ideal breeding ground for disease due to the fact that many people from different areas carrying different germs are exposed to each other. Becoming ill before a midterm or final could be disastrous, and many college professors will not go out of their way to help sick students. Spending twenty minutes or half an hour three times a week exercising could keep you healthy and prevent illness from affecting your grades.
Exercise Can Help You Sleep
It can be difficult to sleep in college. I've written about the topic here. I find that exercise helps me to be tired by the time I go to bed, and also helps me to stay asleep after I fall asleep. Again, getting enough sleep allows you to function better during the day, which improves your college coursework and test-taking ability.
Exercise Can Boost Your Academic Performance
Cardiovascular exercise can improve a person's circulation. A person's circulation affects the amount of oxygen that reaches that individual's brain. The more oxygen a person's brain gets, the more effectively that person can do mental activities. So if you really want to excel academically in college, you should very seriously consider regular exercise.
Exercise Can Decrease Stress
Many people find that exercise reduces the amount of stress that they feel. This is due largely to the endorphins that are released as a result of exercise. College is a stressful time, so any healthy options for reducing stress should be considered.
Exercise Is Good For You Beyond College
Exercise is an investment in your health in many ways. Getting regular exercise reduces the risk of heart disease and other medical conditions, and being active generally improves a person's quality of life.
If you haven't begun to exercise by the time you arrive at college, you should at least give it a shot. There are the above benefits, and most colleges have one or more gyms that students can use for free. Can you think of any other benefits of exercising in college? Feel free to leave your thoughts in the form of a comment. Thank you for reading!

Painless and Effective Way to Workout

Recent studies show that not only are vibration exercise machines making a huge comeback in health clubs and fitness centers across the nation-they actually provide a low impact, painless, and fast workout that is effective at strengthening the core, promoting weight loss, and toning muscles throughout the entire body. Whole body vibration exercise is safe for all ages, fitness levels, and even those who are recovering from injury or illness.
Do Whole Body Vibration Exercise Machines Work?
Whole body vibration exercise machines are designed to provide a low impact, but intense workout in a fraction of the time that a traditional workout takes. By vibrating the entire body, the muscles contract and release 50 times per second
During a traditional workout the same muscles are only contracting about 1-2 times per second. This is why whole body vibration exercise machines can give the body a full workout (equivalent to 60 minutes) in about 10-15 minutes.
What do Whole Body Vibration Exercise Machines Feel Like?
Vibration exercise is a fun and low impact workout routine that doesn't place unnecessary stress on the joints. Many people find the vibration exercise to be fun and uplifting and some even say that vibration exercise doesn't "feel" like exercise at all.
Some experience minor muscle aches and soreness following the whole body vibration exercise but this is typically due to the strong impact that this exercise has on working out all of the muscles in the body.
Benefits of Whole Body Vibration Exercise Machine Workouts
Whole body vibration exercise is a low-impact workout routine that nearly anyone can do. In addition to the safety of vibration exercise workouts, vibration exercise machines can also help to tone all of the muscle groups within the body including the core which is essential to total body fitness. Studies show that whole body vibration exercise machines reduce the appearance of cellulite, accelerate fat loss (especially from the midsection), and strengthen the abdominal / lower back muscles.
Additional benefits of the whole body vibration exercise workouts include better balance, enhanced health and fitness levels and even increased metabolism. Similar to the benefits of weight training and calisthenics, whole body vibration exercise helps to increase muscle strength in a fraction of the time that a traditional workout would take to get the same results. Whole body vibration exercise is not just for individuals of moderate or high fitness levels, this low impact workout is great for nearly anyone at any fitness level.
A Healthy Core through Whole Body Vibration Exercise
Core muscles within the abdominal and lower back region are imperative to health and wellness. Recent studies show that certain factors such as abdominal ("belly") fat and a hefty waistline contribute to the likelihood of an individual developing heart disease, stroke, or other chronic conditions. Some trainers even state that individuals who do not have strong core muscles are more likely to plateau and see reduced results from their exercise routine until the core muscles are better structured, healthier, and stronger.
Whole body vibration exercise machines can help lower the risk of chronic disease, stroke and other heart related illness by reducing the amount of "belly" fat that contributes to the risk factors of these conditions. Additionally, individuals who use whole body vibration exercise as part of their regular workout routine are more likely to stay in shape, keep the pounds off and live a healthier lifestyle in the months following traditional workout routines.
The strengthening effects that whole body vibration exercise machines have on the core are excellent news for individuals who are having trouble getting rid of unwanted, excess abdominal area / waistline fat.

How to Keep from Overeating During the Holidays

Every year you hear the same thing about how people stuffed themselves during the holidays. Everyone sits down at a table full of wonderful food. Two of the holidays where we tend to eat the most come only about a month apart, Thanksgiving and Christmas, and we seem to spend the first part of the year trying to loose the weight we gained. This year, you can take some simple steps to keep yourself from overeating and still enjoy the holidays. One of the best ways may seem counterintuitive at first, eating and drinking.
Make sure you eat a good breakfast right away in the morning. If you don't eat right away in the morning, you are just going to be even hungrier later. The hungrier you are at the meal, the harder it will be to keep yourself from having all those little seconds or that second piece of pie. Also make sure you drink two or three glasses of water before the meal begins. It'll help you to feel more full and you'll be less likely to take as much. Even though you may exercise after the meal, you should also exercise before.
Exercising suppresses your appetite and boosts your metabolism. You don't have to exercise alone. You can go for a walk with some of your family before the meal and also use it as an opportunity to relax and talk. You could also play some sports and get everyone involved. Get a game of volleyball, football, baseball or some other team sport going. Exercise can not only help you eat less, but it can also help you relieve some stress, which can be abundant during the holidays.
A lot of people get stressed during the holidays. There are so many things to do and get, and there doesn't seem to be enough time to get it all done. All that stress can cause you to eat more by eating more "comfort foods" or eating anything that happens to be handy or quick enough, like fast food, no matter how unhealthy it may be.
Try to avoid family conflicts during the holiday, otherwise even more stress will be added to an already stressful time and you'll be more tempted to overeat. Once the holiday has arrived, you should feel free to relax a bit more and spend the time with your family. Not all of the steps have to be taken before the meal begins, some can be taken before too.
Try to eat only 3/4 of the food you have on your plate and don't overload it. That doesn't mean you can't try everything, but take small portions. Also try to avoid taking seconds. Remember that there tends to be plenty of food at holiday gatherings and you can always enjoy the leftovers later. You can also keep a journal of what you've eaten.
It may not seem like much at the time, but each little bit ads up. If you do overeat, don't beat yourself up over it. It doesn't hurt to eat one large meal, you just want to make sure you don't eat multiple large meals. This can have a negative impact on your health in the long run.
These steps are all simple ways you can help to keep yourself from overeating; eating breakfast, drinking plenty of water, exercise, avoiding stress, eating smaller portions, don't take seconds and keep a journal. While food may be a concern during the holidays, it is also important not to let it control your day. Remember that holidays are also a time to relax, spend with your family and enjoy your time together.

How to Lose Weight Fast and Safely

Is a weight loss of 20 pounds a week realistic? Losing that much weight that quickly is doable, but not realistic. When it comes to weight loss it is a calorie game. You need to burn more calories than what you take in. With rigorous activity and healthy meal choices you can lose weight quickly.
Weight loss can be achieved in a reality short time frame. Dedication and desire are key to your success. In order to lose weight quickly start with the basics.
First clear your house of all processed food. Instead replace the fatty foods with lots of vegetables and fruits. Eggs, fish, and skinless chicken breasts are also good food choices. Replace your calorie ridden beverages with water or another low calorie substitute. Crystal Light is a great alternative for those who do not like water. There are many different flavors to choose from.
Many people believe they will lose weight if you skip meals. Do not skip meals if you are trying to lose weight quickly. Skipping meals will actually encourage you to eat more in the long run. How many of us have overate when we were extremely hungry?
Eat all of your meals sitting at the kitchen table. If you are sitting in front of the television you are more apt to eat a larger amount. Often we get lost in the television show and we do not realize when we are full.
Motivate yourself with a special event or treat. If you have an upcoming wedding than use that as your motivation
If you have no special event then plan one yourself! Hang a picture of the new dress that you want on the fridge. When you achieve your weight loss reward yourself and purchase the dress. Another added bonus with the dress being on the fridge is that you will see it each and every time you enter the kitchen in search of food.
In order to achieve weight loss quickly one must exercise. Unfortunately there is no magic pill to make you slim overnight, you will have to do the work yourself. When trying to lose weight quickly one must follow a vigorous exercise program. Fit in exercise whenever and wherever you can. Cardio is great to get your heart rate up and make you sweat. Just remind yourself; if you are sweating you are burning calories.
Have a daily weigh in. By weighing yourself daily you are holding yourself accountable for your daily exercise and eating habits.
In order to lose weight quickly you need to be self-motivated and disciplined.

How to Exercise for Your Body Type

Don't know what kinds of exercises are right for you? Don't worry. Many people struggle to find a workout routine that feels right for them. One way to select exercises you enjoy is to pick them out based on which type of body you have. There are generally three body types that are official recognized, these are: Endomorphs, Mesomorphs and Ectomorphs. This article will explain what each body type is, and what exercises are right for that body type.
Endomorphs are those people who have a round body shape, and find it difficult to lose weight. They're also characterized by having little muscle mass, though they can increase the muscle mass and decrease weight with enough work. Endomorphs should focus heavily on cardio for their exercise; this includes walking, running, swimming and playing sports. This will help the endomorph to burn off calories while building muscle mass simultaneously. They should also pay close attention to their diet and eat many small meals a day instead of a few large meals.
Mesomorphs are those with a very muscular body type that can burn off fat easily and are narrow around the waist. Mesomorphs should keep a regular exercise routine while watching their diet and making sure they're eating healthy. Mesomorphs are in the best position to keep the body they want, and can do both cardio and weight training exercises easily. The mesomorph body type must be careful, however, because they're very prone to becoming out of shape if they get out of their routine.
The ectomorph is characterized by being very skinny, and having long lanky arms and legs. They often find it difficult to put on muscle, but also find it difficult to put on fat. It's very important for an ectomorph to do non-cardio workout exercises such as weight lifting because they're trying to build muscle mass to create a more defined look about themselves. As for their diet, ectomorphs should focus on carbohydrates and proteins. These are important because they help build the muscle and can help add a little fat, which will give the ectomorph the look they desire.
If you can determine which of these three body types you fall under, you should develop a workout routine accordingly and try to reach your dream body. All of these bodies have different problems, but reaching the goal is possible regardless of what body type you may have.

Exercise and Autism

Exercise is very important for all of us, but in Children with autism it is especially important because of the many health benefits it can provide. Some of these include: Helping improve the child's attention span, improvement in inappropriate behaviors and help with continuing staying on task with projects and other work. Exercise also has been shown to help reduce aggressive and repetitive behaviors.
Children on the autism spectrum experience problems in several areas: Fine motor skills, sensory integration issues, poor attention span, poor coordination, slow reaction times and difficulties with visual tracking of moving objects.
Children with sensitive sensory issues, a common disorder associated with autism, may initially have an especially hard time with physical exercise and find it difficult to cope with the increased visual, auditory and tactile stimulation that goes with being outdoors in wide open spaces or in an enclosed, noisy gym with others.
Discomfort from increased stimuli causes additional behaviors like hand-flapping, out bursts, pacing, avoiding eye contact, and not readily accepting affection and instruction from others. This can make it initially much more difficult to attend and participate in an exercise programs, but usually improves with time as the child gets used to the new activities.
Many autistic children have great difficulty with changes in routine and transferring from one activity to another. Unexpected changes are especially hard as is social interaction with others. These children experience various levels of deficit in interpersonal relationships and find it very hard to initiate play with others, especially peers. They also experience low levels of physical fitness as well as low levels of motivation and are frequently overweight, clumsy and slow moving.
The Vestibular System, located in the inner ear, is responsible for our sense of balance, coordination and eye movements. Individuals with autism frequently have difficulty in this area. Exercise such as dancing, cartwheels, swinging, rolling, hanging upside down, spinning, rocking and somersaulting help improve balance and coordination as well as eye coordination. These movements involve moving the head in many different ways which stimulate the vestibular system.
Balancing both sides of the body, called bilateral integration, is important for autistic children as they experience this condition frequently. Some exercises to help accomplish bilateral integration are: Crawling, playing musical instruments, playing hopscotch, skipping, and bouncing balls with both hands.
Eye and hand coordination can be improved by activities that involve hitting with a bat, popping bubbles, catching and throwing a ball, balloons or beanbags.
Integrating an exercise program in every autistic child's schedule should be a high priority.

Can Intense Exercise Prevent Insulin Resistance?

Is it really true that intense exercise can prevent you from ever getting insulin resistance? IR is when the body's cells can no longer efficiently "take" the glucose molecules that are delivered to them via the hormone insulin. Glucose is blood sugar. When insulin receptors on the cells can no longer receive all the sugar for energy, the body is then left with unutilized sugar, resulting in higher-than-normal blood sugar levels, and excess sugar going to the liver where it's converted to fat.
Intuitively, it seems as though regular intense exercise should prevent insulin resistance. After all, exercise lowers blood sugar and creates more insulin receptors on cells. We've always heard that type 2 diabetes, of which insulin resistance can lead to, can usually be controlled with just diet and exercise. And we've heard that lack of exercise is strongly -- very strongly -- implicated in the development of insulin resistance.
I consulted with Dr. David Edelson, MD, board certified in internal and bariatric medicine, one of the top obesity experts in the U.S., and founder and medical director for and HealthBridge. He explains, "Insulin resistance is a genetic trait ... you either have it or you don't. However, much like a pendulum, it must be pushed to be set into motion. The 'push' could be bad diet, lack of exercise, poor sleep, aging, medications or some other external environmental force."
Think of it this way: Genetics load the gun, but lifestyle habits pull the trigger. Dr. Edelson continues: "Conversely, exercise acts like a ballast providing extra weight to a pendulum, making it require more force to set into motion. So while in a strict sense exercise will not prevent insulin resistance, it will make it much harder to turn on the gene and set the wheels in motion."
This is why exercise is one of the major forces that physicians urge their IR patients to undertake to reverse the condition. Inactivity is a leading cause of IR, which affects about one out of every five American adults.
Exercise has definitely been proven in several clinical studies to reduce insulin resistance. First of all, it burns up excess circulating blood sugar, preventing the pancreas from having to secrete too much insulin. Persistently high levels of insulin in the bloodstream cause reduction in the amount of insulin receptors, the first stage of manifesting IR."
"Secondly, regular exercise causes increased production of insulin receptors on the muscle cells. More receptors means better response to the effects of insulin, resulting in lowering blood sugar and triglyceride levels, less hunger and prevention of weight gain."
By the way, you can have a normal fasting blood sugar value and still have IR (too much of the hormone in the bloodstream because the pancreas has to over-secrete it in order to lower blood sugar). Hardcore, intense exercise, though not capable of outright preventing insulin resistance, is a formidable tyrant at minimizing your odds of ever developing IR, not to mention so many other medical conditions.

Ten Health Benefits of Tai Chi Exercise

Tai Chi is a Chinese therapeutic exercise, which originated as a martial art. In Eastern belief, the Chi is life force that circulates throughout the body through pathways called meridians. It is said that a disruption of the Chi can result in ill health. Tai Chi is a mental and physical exercise which promotes the proper stream of life energy.
The practice is constructed of a series of slow, graceful motions, and is often considered meditation in motion. Although Tai Chi's health benefits have not been clinically proven, I know first hand that practicing the martial art improves your physical condition as well as your spiritual and mental well being.
Here are 10 physical, spiritual and mental benefits of Tai Chi:
Tai Chi improves balance. Balance is important at every stage of life, but it is especially critical for the elderly. Good balance prevents falls, which are the leading cause of injury and disability in seniors. Because Tai Chi is a series of calculated, slow motions with shifts of body weight coordinating between the lower and upper body, it helps to steady the body and prevent falls.
Tai Chi improves posture. For those of us with desk jobs, or just plain poor posture, Tai Chi very well could be the answer. The choreographed motions of Tai Chi exercises force one to hold a series of stances, strengthening the back and helping you gain control over your posture.
Tai Chi reduces back pain. I was involved in a terrible car crash about three years ago. Since then, my back aches constantly. After about three weeks of practicing Tai Chi I noticed my back began to feel significantly better. It would still hurt sometimes, but the intervals between the pains were much longer. The exercises and postures stretch and strengthen the muscles, allowing for some pain relief.
Tai Chi reduces stress and anxiety. The slow, steady, graceful exercises help to slow down a racing mind. The meditative nature of the exercises requires full concentration, helping to take your mind off whatever may be causing anguish in your life.
Tai Chi is free. Although it is probably best to learn from a teacher, there are a plethora of articles, videos and books on the topic that can all be accessed free of charge. Most importantly, Tai Chi can be practiced anywhere and requires no equipment at all. We all know that less spending equals less stress!
Tai Chi improves overall quality of life. Taking 30 minutes to an hour to practice Tai Chi takes you out of the regular circumstances of your life. Focusing on your body, your mind and your breathing will relax you, and re-charge your battery.
Tai Chi improves functional mobility. Whether you are an elderly person or recovering from a broken bone or surgery, Tai Chi can help to improve range of motion. Because the exercises involve deliberate stretching and shifting of weight, your body begins to move more freely after practicing Tai Chi regularly.
Tai Chi gets you energized. Many of the people in my Tai Chi class reported having a significant increase of energy throughout the day. I'm not exactly sure how to explain this phenomenon. Perhaps turning your focus inward helps one to want to participate more in their daily activities.
Tai Chi improves emotional stability. Although this fact is not scientifically proven, studies show that regular practice of Tai Chi decreases cortisol levels in the body, helping to reduce or eliminate mood swings.
Tai Chi makes your heart stronger. Traditional cardiovascular exercises are not for everyone, as they may put too much of a strain on one's heart. Tai Chi prompts similar responses as any other workout, with less strain on the heart and lungs.

The New Exercise Craze

Have you seen it? The newest exercise craze of the western world
It is big in Germany and most assuredly coming to an United States shoreline near you. I do not like to write articles like this. I find little reason to insult people with what is clearly just my opinion on a topic. I respect everybody's freedom to choose, especially in such trivial, and yes what I am about to unfold is trivial, topics. However, this time I just can not seem to keep my mouth shut, smile and nod cordially. Why can't these people just go for a walk?
The problem has been building for a long time. First, yoga came on the U.S. Scene and we instantly had to tag it, box it and manufacture it. Now every American yoga guru needs a special yoga mat, a special bag to put your special yoga mat in, special yoga clothes and special yoga water bottles. I have met numerous people who would like to take up yoga, but say they can't because they can not afford to purchase all the "necessary" special yoga tools. Don't you dare show up to class without your special yoga tee shirt proclaiming to the whole world that you have found spiritual bliss and enlightenment through yoga.
Heaven forbid they learn to sit directly on the ground as so many Buddhists have done before them. The Buddha didn't have a pillow. The common compliant of why the meditation pillow is so "necessary" is that so many people are not flexible enough to get into a comfortable position sitting on the floor without a cushion and it makes their backs hurt. Why don't they take a yoga class?
I let these two slide. I stayed cheerful and tried not to be judgmental as I watched person after person spend more and more money on all their little "necessary" accoutrements so they could gain both fitness and peace of mind, but finally I stumbled across the straw to break the camel's back . . . Nordic Walking. Strolling through the well-cared for parks of Germany you see it everywhere. People walking with a stick in each hand
Dressed up in special Nordic Walking spandex outfits, with their special Nordic Walking shoes, and their special Nordic Walking gloves
Nordic walking is the latest fitness craze. It is estimated, if done correctly, that Nordic Walking is approximately 30% more beneficial for you than regular walking; beneficial for your arms and torso as well as your legs and heart. Nordic Walking is a full body work out. It seems that more people are out Nordic walking in Germany than just walking. This is a good thing. The trend keeps catching on. More and more people are getting there exercise and more and more companies are popping up to make some money off of the Nordic Walking trend.
Originally used in icy countries to aid in hill climbing and such; Nordic Walking was developed as an exercise routine in Finland in about 1997. Since then all sorts of special Nordic Walking gear has been developed and the exercise has gained increasingly in popularity. Nordic Walking involves walking as usual, but with two specially designed sticks or poles, used in the appropriate way, to increase the intensity of the exercise.
It resembles Cross Country Skiing, except without the snow or the ski's. It sounds harmless, right? And, it is I suppose, except that at any moment one of those poles could be whipped out as a weapon. But, seriously why has the whole thing got me in such a huff? I guess I'm a purist of sorts. I don't understand why people can't just take a nice stroll through the park. It seems that in the world today everything has to have some sort of alternative purpose. Everything is so high charged. It frightens me to think that these people can't just enjoy a nice walk to look at the trees, feed the ducks, breath the fresh, if not slightly toxic air.
Despite my opinion Nordic Walking is supposed to be good for you. So, if you like those sorts of things and you can afford to waste your money on such frivolous stuff while people around the world starve then I say: Go for it! I even posted a few links at the bottom to help get you started.

Sports Social Network Turns Exercise

Athletes who take their training seriously or just need some motivation often track their exercises using online tools like
If just being able to track your exercise isn't enough, a social network called is adding an extra motivation: Your exercise can raise funds for charity.
Here's how it works: Participants can sign up for the Web site and then pick both a cause and a "sponsor." Your sponsor will donate to the cause it supports for your exercise. The site allows participants in a wide variety of sports to raise funds through their workouts - yes, even kiteboarding, badminton and rugby.
The payouts vary by the workout. There's a system of "kudos" for your activity, which is then converted to dollars. At the end of the month, the site tallies up the amount of dollars for each participant/sponsor/cause. The sponsors then send a check to their respective charities. The amount of credit for each activity fluctuates each month - the site compares it to exchange rates for currency.
Since it is an exercise-based Web site, many of the causes are sports-related organizations such as Trip for Kids, International Mountain Bike Association, Bikes Belong and others in a similar vein. But if you're bent on raising funds to cure medical conditions that might've impacted your own family friends, there are still a few options: the American Red Cross, Nevada Cancer Institute and the Breast Cancer Fund are a few examples. Check the Causes page for more information.
The site might be able to lure more participants with a broader range of charities. Of course, that depends on the number of sponsors willing to donate to those causes. It seems like a smart cause-marketing opportunity for many businesses interested in aligning with a charity. It's also a ripe chance for charities interested in getting involved in the everyday lives of potential donors.
According the the Web site, participants have raised more than 151,000. So far, just less than 10,000 people are registered.
Some sponsors pledge a fixed amount. When people supporting its cause reach that amount, they don't continue to donate beyond that figure.
The site works with GPS and mobile devices to track mileage. It's still largely based on an honor system, however.
If you're interested in supporting a charity, seems like an easy way to get involved. It also provides an extra spark to get out for your exercise rather than sleeping in that day - and allows businesses an easy way to align to a charity that's important to their customers.

Proform 290 SPX Exercise Bike Review

The Proform 290 SPX is an exercise bike. It offers an adjustable seat and non-slip handlebars so you can have a comfortable workout. You can find this model for an average price of $400. Keep reading to learn about some of the features that it offers.
The Proform 290 SPX exercise bike is equipped with an adjustable seat. You can change its position both vertically and horizontally to get the most comfortable position for your workout. The seat is also padded for an added measure of comfort.
The pedals on the Proform 290 SPX are fitted with toe cages. They allow you to keep your feet in place and stable while you ride the bike. You can also ride the bike with the toe cages upside down for more of a challenge.
The Proform 290 SPX exercise bike features non-slip handlebars. They're ergonomically designed to help limit your fatigue while you exercise and also offer comfortable hand grips. You can also adjust the handlebars vertically for a more comfortable position.
The Proform 290 SPX offers a range of features to enhance your convenience. There is a built-in water bottle holder so you can stay hydrated and exercise for longer periods of time. The machine is also fitted with transport wheels so that you can easily move it around.
The Proform 290 SPX incorporates a chain drive system for a smoother ride. The bike can accommodate riders that weigh up to 250 pounds. The frame is covered by a five year warranty. There is also a 90-day parts and labor warranty.
The Proform 290 SPX exercise bike is fitted with an adjustable seat which you can adjust both horizontally and vertically. The non-slip handlebars offer comfortable hand grips and can also be adjusted vertically. There is also an integrated water bottle holder so that you can stay hydrated.

Exercise plan or meditative practice

Exercise and Media I
For the first fifteen to thirty minutes at your television, computer, video game console, or on your phone, exercise. You can do any basic exercise while watching television and march in place for any of the other listed activities. If you want to continue after the fifteen or thirty minutes are up, do, but don't force yourself to continue if you don't want to. Once you've met your goal, stop before you get bored to minimize your chance of burn out.
Exercise and Media II
When you're toning a specific area, and need to do exercises targeted to that muscle group, this is an ideal time to catch up on your favorite shows. Use a Netflix account just for your workout television series and movies; check out audio books from the library; review your music collection. Get a recorder and dictate that novel you've been meaning to write or work through that experimental chicken curry recipe aloud. Do something to keep your mind occupied before it starts whining.
Lasso a Friend
Rope a friend into exercising with you. You can be dignified and walk around the neighborhood while discussing current events, or stage a water balloon fight. Throw a frisbee, but try to make it fly just out of each others reach for a challenge.
Take Up Geocaching
Depending on the difficulty and location of the hunt, you can get a work out finding a cache. If your local park has a geocache hidden in it, combine the visit with a nature hike.
Change It Up
Stop exercise burnout before it starts. When you begin getting bored with your activities, don't make the monkey bars a chore; take a break from them and try something new. Look for activities that provide the same workout benefits. After a while, you'll probably want to come back to the original activity, but don't feel like you have to if you're still enjoying your new activity; just remember it should you get bored with the new one.

Turning Housework into Exercise

I'm a mom of two toddlers. I currently am attending college and working from home. You add that up with a house full of plants and two malamutes and free time is not in abundance. However, not having time is not a valid excuse to not exercise, especially when two toddlers have left me with a pound or two I'd like to lose. Determined to fit everything in, I resulted to a slightly creative approach, I turned my housework into exercise.
How many calories does regular housework burn?
First it dawned on me that even just completing my regular household chores was burning calories, quite a few even. For example, while washing dishes, if you weigh around 120-150 pounds you'll burn about 71 calories, vacuuming for half hour 423 calories, if you have stairs to clean add about 40 more to that. If it takes you 30 minutes to scrub the tubs, you just burned 200 calories. All the walking you do around the house adds up to, for every 15 minutes, you lose about 67 calories. A heavier individual will burn even more. Now, imagine if you upped the ante…
Turning Housework into exercise:
Fast walk everywhere: If walking burns 67 calories in 15 minutes, common sense says walking faster will burn even more, about 79 calories.
Make a one item rule: I started requiring I only carry one item at a time when I put things away. This meant more trips up the stairs and more walking. Since I was moving faster while doing so, the time evened out.
Doubling stair trips: If I wasn't putting something away, I required myself to go up and down the stairs five times every time I took my stairs
My office with my computer is downstairs so this quickly added up considering one trip up and down a short flight of stairs burns around 50 calories.
Pick up squats: Toddlers mean lots of toys, and lots of toys means lots of stuff on the floor. Each time I pick up something on the floor I do a squat or two. You can also be careful to maintain proper form when picking up things and reaching for high shelves.
No wasted moments: I sneak more movement into everything I do. Sometimes I do calf raises while washing dishes, or high step rather than fast walk while cleaning. You could even add ankle weights to your everyday routine.
Playing with the kids: Finally, when you're done cleaning and it's time for kid time, don't sit back and watch
Jump in and dance, run, even laugh, all of the above burn calories. Exercise is simple when you realize you don't need a set work-out time, just a little extra movement each day.

The Whole Family Exercise and Fitness Plan

There are millions of overweight men, women, and children in the world today. In fact, obesity rates are rising at incredible rates. Some blame it on the lower quality of the food that families are often eating these days. And that is one definite cause. Families used to sit down together to a healthy, home-cooked meal every night. Now, it is much more likely to grab some fast food or a pizza while running from one thing to another.
But it is not only bad dietary habits that are causing more and more family members to become overweight, it is a general lack of fitness and exercise.
If there are some overweight people in your family, or if you just want to increase your family's health and fitness levels, there are many different exercise opportunities that you can do together. The exercise or fitness activities are things that are good for almost any age, from small child to senior citizen.
One of the most important things in creating a healthy family plan is to not single out any member, or state that they are the cause of everyone suddenly having to go jogging. If a family member, especially a child is overweight, focus on the fun aspect of a new activity rather than the weight loss possibility. Of course, it is good to stress that health and fitness will be increased as well.
Every member of the family should commit to exercising together at least once per week. There are many fun ways to get exercise and foster family togetherness at the same time.
Getting out into the fresh air and taking a walk around the neighborhood, hiking in the woods or park, or just playing on the playground are great exercise. You could also organize a game or sport and play that. Even a small family can play a game of basketball of touch football, or even tennis.
If you cannot get outside to exercise, you can still have fitness family fun inside your own house. Put on the radio and have a dance party. Play one of the great new exercise video games like baseball or bowling. These, of course, don't provide as much fitness and exercise as something more active, but every bit helps.
The whole idea is to make fitness a more vital part of your family's every day life. Instilling the mindset in younger children - that staying healthy and active are important your whole life through - is very important.
Increasing your family's health should incorporate both healthier eating, and an exercise and fitness regimen. This does not have to be complicated or rigorous, but it does have to be adhered to. Not only will your whole family benefit from the increased fitness, they will also benefit from spending quality time toget

Meditation, Breathing and Exercise

It surprises me that when I mention meditation to people that most of them still raise an eyebrow and look at me like I am some kind of magic-believing weirdo. The truth is that meditation, concentration, contemplation, awareness practice, practiced relaxation or whatever one might call it, has a myriad of proven, positive effects on our physical body and mental state as well as having millennia of experiential evidence as to its efficacy.
Although it is catching on more and more, most Westerners refuse to listen to anything about it and many Easterners view it as something which is purely spiritual. While I have my own beliefs on the latter aspect, I will not be discussing that here. This article is about the worldly applications of the practice as they can be more immediately observed and also are obviously more practical to the public. So let us see what meditation can do for us!
To start it is important to define what is meant by meditation. A common assumption is that meditation is kind of like being half asleep; this could not be farther from the truth. Meditative states are states of exceptional awareness with the goal of clearing mind chatter so that the individual can become better attuned to the person's relation to the universe that surrounds us.
While this sounds spiritual in nature, and it can be for some, it also has utile attributes that are well documented as well as personally experienced to great benefit by the author. These positive developments include, but are not limited to, more controlled and deeper breathing, improved concentration, enhanced pain tolerance, body and posture awareness, raised energy levels and, perhaps most importantly, a greater sense of self-worth and wellbeing.

Breathing and Exercise

Everybody knows that breathing is inherently an integral aspect of physical existence. However, the concern is that people view breathing as something that is entirely autonomic and just happens without having to pay attention to it. While it is true that we will respire enough to survive without thought, the two questions that need to be asked are, "What result could we garner from gaining control over and awareness of our breathing?" and "How do we assume control over our respiration?" Since physical fitness is my main focus, we will begin to answer these queries from there.
Firstly, think of oxygen as it relates to fire; it is not fuel in and of itself but without it there will be no fire. So it is a catalyst of sorts. It works in the same way in our bodies, actively disintegrating food molecules in order to create the energy we need to propel our physical forms.
Already we can start to see the benefit: increased oxygen uptake equals increased energy production efficiency. A second and reciprocal aspect of conscious breathing is the timely release of poisonous carbon dioxide from our lungs after the oxygen consumption.
Cleansing carbon dioxide at higher, yet controlled, rates leads to decreased lactic acid build-up in our muscles, especially during greater intensity workouts. This, of course, allows for less fatigue, less muscular "burn" and lowered chances of cramping up.
The final aspect of the benefits of breathing that will be discussed here is the role of oxygen in the burning of fat, as that is a primary goal of many people. Fat is broken down in our bodies through a process called beta oxidation and is then processed into ATP, which can only be accomplished through the use of oxygen. So the more oxygen we take in the more fat we get out.
Again we find the benefit of taking in oxygen in a practical sense. To answer our second question of how to gain awareness of our breathing and therefore control over it I point to one of the most basic characteristics of meditation: breathing through the lower dantian, or the point midway between the pubic bone and the navel. With eyes closed and all else shut out it becomes much easier to become aware of where our breath is coming and going from. With practice we can establish control over our respiration, a skill which we can then transfer to times of physical exertion to garner all the benefits mentioned above.

Funny looking stretches in the middle of the gym

Tied in to the practice of mediation is an enhanced ability to concentrate, also known as one-wontedness? I prefer to call it "being of one mind" because so often we feel as if we have many minds in our head arguing and postulating away beyond our control. However, as is found in physical exercise, discipline and patience can lead us to greater ability in remaining of one mind. This is an ability which will create a multitude of practical benefits in regards to physical, mental and emotional wellbeing.
In the physical field it allows us to stay focused on our movements without being distracted by the half-naked woman or the guy doing some funny looking stretches in the middle of the gym. Not only does this lead to a better workout with better results every time, but it also combats against injury as we are less likely to make mistakes if we are conscious in the moment of what we are doing.
In the mental aspect concentration helps defeat the aforementioned sensation of having wild thoughts constantly bombard us which can often bring about confusion. It is well known that confusion leads to fear and fear to anger, thus bringing us to the emotional aspect of concentration training.
With a confused mind and fearful heart, physical exercise and eating well become unappealing and much more difficult to maintain. However, just as all these facets can work together to undermine us, if we practice concentration through meditation with diligence we can turn this wheel the other way and see the physical, mental and emotional boons accelerate each other! Linked with this is enhanced tolerance to pain or discomfort.
The common "solution" to pain is trying to block it out or go away from it, but with practice and discipline it is discovered that the best relief for pain is often concentration on the point of discomfort and telling it to relax and be calm. If there is a raging tiger in your home would it be best to ignore it and float away mentally or to be aware of it and actively work to resolve the situation?
Coexisting with these other attributes of meditation is a greater sense of body and postural awareness. Sitting or lying down with eyes closed and external obstructions minimized our mind has more room to focus on where our body is and what it is doing. Typically in day to day life we are so overwhelmed with stimuli that we can have awkward posture imbalances, which are a primary cause of injury, of which we are completely unaware.

Physical exercise plan or meditative practice

Sitting in office chairs, couches and cars for hours, as well as other behaviors, tends to deform our musculoskeletal structure; largely because we are distracted by whatever it is we are doing at the time. Since these are inescapable events in most of our lives it becomes imperative to devote time and energy to meditation with the goal of increasing our knowledge of where we are and what we are doing in relation to our body.
The most crucial reason to endeavor in this discipline is for our immediate physical safety. As discussed previously, when the average person engages in physical exercise their plan of action is to mentally stay as far away as possible from what is going on. This is extremely dangerous as they almost always have posture deviations that, unless given attention and discovered through concentrating on the exercise, invariably lead to injury somewhere down the line.
So we find that the key to our safe success is staying of one mind while exercising, without distraction, and this can best be learned through meditative practices.
Ultimately, the goal of any physical exercise plan or meditative practice is to enhance our energy levels and augment our sense of happiness or wellbeing. In my experience, meditation is the most effective, most simple and most economical method to attaining a sense of joy as well as a feeling of personal power and limitlessness.
When coupled with diligent physical exertion the benefits are incalculable. The best part about these rewards is that they are accessible to anyone, anywhere at any time, regardless of socioeconomic status, physical ability or previous practice. Now this might seem like we are getting into a more spiritual aspect of meditation, but my experience, as well as science, contest that neural development can be engendered through meditation.
If you are one of the many who believes that meditation is baseless experiential assumption I would challenge you to research a scientific study first covered by Dan Rather called Mind Science. It is available for free on YouTube in 6 parts and demonstrates, through collaboration between modern neuroscientists and Buddhist monks including the Dalai Lama, how the actual physical brain is altered through meditation. If we can physically change our brain through meditation then it is obvious that we can shift our mental and emotional states as well, as they are regulated by the brain. Think of meditation as exercise for the brain the way push-ups are exercise for the body as both require discipline and patience but can yield unfathomable positive results for us!
In conclusion I would like to put forward that when it comes to life it is to our great benefit to keep an open mind and to explore everything we can to ensure that we are doing what is best for ourselves and for the people with which we cohabitate.
Meditation strengthens our physical body by improving our ability to breathe and concentrate as well as aiding in avoiding injury. It also creates a better sense of self-worth which benefits us individually, of course, but also does great service to the community around us as we all know how much more pleasant it is to be around happy people. So try something new today; take the time to care about yourself with the magnificent gift of meditation and I promise you will be astounded by the results!

Tips to Fight Exercise Boredom

If you constantly feel like you could be doing something better, something more fun, while you workout, you're right. Exercise should not be something you only do because you feel you have to; exercise should be an expression of who you are and, more importantly, fun.
World's Gym
Instead of an annual pass to the gym why not an annual pass to a theme park? If you're wasting money on a gym membership you never use, try putting that money into real adventures that appeal to you. Save for adventure vacations, the beach, theme parks, any trip that gets you moving.
New Play-out Equipment
Think about those single seater chain swings they have at parks. Now think of gripping those chains tight above your head and pumping your legs to gain more altitude. Slide your hands up and down the chain in time with the swings and you have a legitimate exercise going. Remember, those new monkey bars, the trampoline, and the swing are part of your "obstacle course", not "private playground", should the neighbors ask.
Make Small Deposits
Extra movement is like spare change; it can add up. So, dance to one song, take an extra flight of stairs, walk for five minutes before lunch; take any extra opportunity you can to move more.
Don't Settle for Less with Lessons
Don't look for an exercise class; look for an activity you love or want to try. Rock climbing, traditional or indoor, dance lessons, tae kwon do, fencing, tennis, do some research and see what you like. Many places will let you audit a class or two at a reduced cost or even for free before you make a commitment.